There’s no doubt about it, we are being pummeled with news and information on how important it is to strengthen our immune system during this unprecedented time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Good nutrition, sleep, and exercise are paramount. Supplements are also important, but is taking oral supplements enough? Not all supplements are created equal- a topic for another post, but let’s discuss why IV therapy is one of the top methods for nutrient absorption to support the ultimate immune system boost!
- 100% absorption rate
In today’s society with a good majority of Americans eating a poor diet, good nutrition is critical to preventing chronic diseases and underlying conditions. Unfortunately, there is an overall decline of nutrients in US soil due to the mining of soil fertility by industrial agriculture. Several studies of historical food composition tables show an apparent degradation in food nutrient content over the past 70 years. A Kushi Institue analysis of nutrient data from 1975 to 1997 found that the average calcium levels in 12 fresh vegetables dropped 27 percent; iron levels 37 percent; vitamin A levels 21 percent, and vitamin C levels 30 percent.
Now it is more important than ever to supplement nutrients to our bodies. IV therapy delivers vitamins and anti-oxidants directly to our cells. Research has shown that people are able to obtain 100% absorption of vitamins through IV therapy, compared to an average of only 20% absorption through oral supplements due to bypassing through our digestive system.
- Intravenous Vitamin C studies for COVID-19 treatment
Immunity IVs containing high-dose vitamin C (15g) have been shown to rev up the immune system with the antiviral properties of IV Vit-C. The anti-oxidant properties of IV Vit-C have yielded positive results in addressing the cytokine storm characteristic of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) that occur in the later cycle of COVID-19 infectious disease.
A cytokine storm means a cell pathway in the immune system has been turned on leading to the overproduction of biological mediators that cause damage to the body and interfere with normal cell function. When an excess of cytokines is released, high levels of inflammation in the body can occur to the point of sometimes becoming fatal.
Recent studies in China and New York City hospitals, have supported favorable results with IV Vit-C in COVID-19 treatment.
- Hydration
Isn’t drinking water enough? Well, no, not necessarily. Several studies have shown that it can take up to two hours for the body to completely absorb 500ml of water. This means if the body is three or four liters dehydrated (easy to do in a night out of drinking or a prolonged athletic activity), it can take up six to seven hours to rehydrate via oral ingestion of fluids. Studies have shown that IV hydration therapy is highly effective at restoring the body with electrolytes; these are vitamins and minerals such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium.
Staying hydrated is very important, but especially when you’re trying to prevent getting sick. Adequate hydration ensures that our cells are working at peak condition by having enough fluids to do their job. Keeping hydrated through IV therapy can help our immune system stay healthy by giving our entire body the groundwork for fighting off viruses and bacteria.
- Detox
IV therapy can help naturally detoxify your body, removing harmful free radicals that contribute to toxin buildup and impaired immune function. Immune boosting IVs are most effective when administered on a regular basis. Free radicals damage our body at the cellular level over time. IV therapy can not only help keep us from getting sick, it helps prevent long-term damage caused by free radicals by flushing them from your system. IV therapy flushes your body with fluids to help your vital organs function, helping your liver and kidneys to do their jobs more efficiently. Just drinking fluids is often not adequate enough to allow your organs to rid of all the toxins that are built up.
In today’s world with the current pandemic situation and escalated stress, it can be tough to get adequate sleep, eat the right foods, and stay motivated to do anything. People are often depleted in nutrients without even knowing it because they may be used to feeling rundown. IV therapy is beneficial in many ways, regardless if we feel depleted or not, regular supplementation helps our bodies operate more optimally.  Whether it’s helping with recovery from wine night or a chronic illness – keeping a tip top immune system is important. Check out IVitamin’s clinic hours and mobile services to help you stay healthy!
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